Sound Healing
Using sound frequency and vibration to release old and stagnant energies preventing flow in all layers of the mind, body and spirit.

What is sound healing?
Sound healing is the therapeutic application of sound frequencies to the body/mind of a person with the intention of bringing them into a state of harmony and health. It is based on the idea that all matter (including the human body) is vibrating at specific frequencies. Disease, illness and pain are thought to be caused by blockages or imbalances in these natural vibratory rates. When these blockages are removed, health and well-being is restored.
Sound healing can be accomplished using a variety of instruments such as Tuning Forks, Gongs, Singing Bowls and many more.

Sound has been used to heal for eons...
One of the oldest written record of using sound for healing was recorded in ancient Egypt. The Ebers Papyrus document, which date back to about 1550 B.C., describes how priests would chant and play instruments to rid people of sickness and evil spirits – it was a form of spell to heal illness. They would also use sound as part of rituals to honor the gods.
In Greece, the father of medicine, Hippocrates, used music therapy to treat mental disorders and other illnesses around 400 B.C. He believed that music soothed the soul and helped people recover from their ailments.
Legendary Greek philosophers, including Plato, Aristotle and Pythagoras, believed that music could influence our moods and behaviors. In the fourth century B.C., Plato stated, "Rhythm and harmony find their way into the secret places of the soul."
Pythagoras said the universe was governed by mathematical relationships such as ratios and frequencies. He established a school that incorporated music into its teachings because he thought it played an important role in balancing the mind, body and spirit.
Today it is widely recognized that sound plays a vital role in healing. We know that sound vibrations affect the body at a cellular level, which can have a profound effect on our health.
The ancient Greeks developed systems of music therapy called harmonics, musica universalis and musica humana, which are still practiced today. Hippocrates believed that all diseases were caused by a lack of harmony within the body, and he used music to help restore this balance.
Stress and trauma are held in the body and manifest as disease, dis-ease and discordant energy. Sound can literally transform our bodies on a cellular level by changing our vibration on a subatomic level. Sound healing is therefore able to shift us from feeling unwell to well.

But how does it work?
Once you’ve experienced sound healing on a regular basis, you’ll find ...
The body reaches a parasympathetic state, which is homeostasis or rest and digest. This is because the vibrations from sound healing can have a positive effect on the autonomic nervous system which controls heart rate, digestion, respiratory rate and pupillary response.
The sympathetic state, or fight or flight, is often experienced in modern life because people are constantly in a state of stress. This is when the body begins to break down, so it's important to reach a balanced state – that parasympathetic state where healing can occur and all of our systems can repair themselves.
In this state, the body releases hormones like serotonin and dopamine that help us feel relaxed, happy and at peace. It also boosts our immune function and helps energize our cells.
Your breathing slows down and becomes deeper, your heartbeat slows and lowers, metabolic rate slows down, blood pressure drops and blood flow increases.
Your immune system strengthens and you're better able to fight off colds and flus.
Your organs shift back into alignment with their correct vibrations, helping them to function more efficiently.
You feel more relaxed and at ease, reducing stress levels. Sound healing is like a big reset button for your body.

Sound bath recordings on YouTube

Sound Healing Benefits
Modern research is beginning to bear out what these ancient sages knew long ago-that music truly does heal. Maybe you've experienced how uplifting a favorite tune can be or how some songs can bring tears to your eyes. Music can strike a chord deep within us, where no other activity can reach.
Healing music reduces pain, lowers anxiety, and lowers stress. Music can also help lower blood pressure, reduce stress levels, and elevate mood. Studies show that music has a beneficial effect on the immune system.
Music's healing powers are most effective at the deepest levels of the mind. The emotional component of music can elicit powerful responses in our bodies, changing our heart rate, hormone levels, and even how we breathe. Listening to complex music helps to increase brain function and memory processing.

The body is held together by sound. The presence of disease indicates that some sounds have come out of tune.
Deepak Chopra

What you can experience during a sound healing session…
No two sound healing sessions are the same. Whether you have an individual or group session, you will experience everything you need. Here are a few common things everyone experiences so you know what to expect.

Sound healing is a great way to release old, stagnant energies…
We all respond differently to frequencies because we all resonate at different levels and intensities for each one of them. This does not mean one person is wrong and another person is right. It simply means that everyone experiences things differently, including sound frequencies.
When our bodies are exposed to sound, we are able to release blocked energy, old cellular memories, negative emotions, and other blockages that are the cause of illness or disease. Sound healing works on the physical body and subtle bodies. When we are able to release these blockages, there is space for new healthy energy to come in.
When you are undergoing this process it is important to remember that you are releasing old energy that has been held in your cells and tissues for a long time. It is also helpful to remember that these experiences are temporary and will pass in a matter of days depending on the severity of your symptoms.

After sound healing, detoxification and purification responses can happen…
The purification process starts as soon as you experience sound healing. It can happen in a few days to months from the time of your first sound healing session. It is an ongoing process that takes place as long as you continue to receive sound healing or meditate with sound.
Some of the common responses one may have after sound healing can include:
You may feel tired or experience headache or nausea during the first few days after treatment. This is a normal part of your body's detoxification process. Drink plenty of water, get rest and eat light meals during this time.
You may feel cold or develop flu-like symptoms (runny nose, sneezing, coughing). This is an indication that your body is expelling toxins from your lungs and sinuses. If you have any discomfort, take your normal over the counter or herbal remedies.
During the first week after treatment, you should avoid alcohol, caffeine, salt, sugar and tobacco products. These substances inhibit your body's detoxification process.
If you have dry skin or eczema, you may notice some inflammation or itching during the first few days after treatment. This is normal part of your body's detoxification process and will go away within a few days.
Why I love sound
Music and sound hold a special place in my heart and life. For as long as I can remember, I've always been drawn to it. Whether it was a nice melody, the pulsing of drums, a symphony of birds singing or beach waves crashing on the shore sound simply feels good to me. It is also something that I use as a tool, but I didn't know that early on. I simply followed what felt good. And, it only made sense to become a dancer, which was the perfect way to express my love for music.
These days my understanding of why music and sound feels good has deepened so I appreciate my love for music but also the healing powers it has. I can personally say sound and sound healing is something I turn to for many reasons, but at the end of the day I can simply feels good.

Ways to experience sound healing with me
There are a few different ways to experience a sound bath with me. If you are local to the metro DC area, I conduct a monthly in person sound bath at Alexandria Massage Therapy & Wellness Center in Old Town on the 2nd Tuesday. If you aren't in the area, below you will find three other options.

personal sound bath
You can have your very own personal sound healing recording. I connect to your energy and determine what you need. The bowls and I will pull through what tones you need!

virtual sound bath
I periodically host virtual sound healing and meditation sessions to break away from your day and relax. You can find the next event on the Events page.

purchase a recording
You may purchase one of the sound healing recordings available in the store based on your interest. More will be added periodically so check back if you don't see what you need.
What others are saying about sound baths

For rates & Inquiries
If you would like to schedule a sound bath for your own group, retreat, or event let's chat! Please enter event details below and I will get back to you.