Last week a good friend and I put each other under for hypnosis sessions. We are both trained in Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique (QHHT), so this is the technique we used. We both had several questions we were hoping to answer and were open to any and all information that wanted to come through for us.
We both visited a time that was highly relevant for our current experience and the questions we had. And both of us received specific guidance from our higher selves to alleviate our curiosity and so much more. I have to say, though, I was pleasantly surprised with my session because my higher self was quite chatty. Two years ago when my friend and I did QHHT sessions I wasn’t as prepared for what to expect. All sensations are heightened in the trance state, which can be overwhelming if you aren’t ready for it. This time I was ready!
Here are six of the highlights from these sessions that I found most intriguing, yet helpful...
1. Our subconscious/higher self is always sending us information. When we have little thoughts or intuitive hits, this is our guidance system talking. It can be frustrating trying to put together this information because it often doesn’t make sense to our analytical brains. However, in these sessions I saw how we both have been getting little clues and wondering what to do with them. It’s like being handed an IKEA box full of pieces with no instructions. You know you’re supposed to make something, but you’re not sure how big it’s supposed to be, and you’re definitely not sure of how to put the pieces together. But you do have the little wrench thing because that’s always included.
2. There is a reason for your feelings toward certain people and places. In my session I asked about a few specific people and places of interest to me. I was able to see how these things are important to me and how they relate. I was pleasantly surprised that a specific location is one I was only recently called to, but found out it has lots of goodness in store for me because of the long time connection I have to it. It was reassuring to know that these seemingly random interests are in fact quite intentioned and beneficial. If you are being drawn to certain people of places, don’t deny this. If you are able to, spend time in these places and with these people if it feels good. Your soul is likely guiding you to a happy place.
3. Our nature and personality are not a mistake. Both of us visited a place where we were fully in our strengths and personality, which caused us to be different from others. Much like our current reality, we had to see the gift of this and the value of these differences. We also got to see the fun experiences we got to have as a result. If you are questioning who you are and why, there is a reason for it all, you simply may not understand why in the greater scheme. That is okay, learning to love and understand yourself for yourself is your best bet.
4. If you can’t see all of the angles of a problem on your own, it’s okay. Both my friend and I had a couple of similar themes, for which we received clarity. However, despite all of our training we couldn’t see all of the pieces of a particular issue on our own and in our awake state. It took going into trance and asking questions from both of us to get to the deeper layers we needed for understanding. This was quite relieving too. Neither of us had the information on our own, but together in another state, we got further than we could on our own. If there is something you’ve been experiencing and can’t figure it out, don’t stress over it. If you can ask a friend to help you it may help. And if you can, you may want to get in touch with your subconscious to get to the bottom of it.
5. Our pain is not what we think. This is something I knew, but hearing from my subconscious in this session made it clear of how this has worked for me and my friend. We hold information for ourselves and others, which can manifest in a number of ways. Sometimes our bodies store it the easiest way it knows how because it doesn’t know to let it go. It also doesn’t know to differentiate between us and someone else. If you are experiencing pain in your body, you may want to talk to it. You know I am a strong believer in the connection with our bodies and when we have a relationship with them, we are better off. This is a great way to start, but don’t force your way to an answer based on what you want the answer to be.
6. Be-ing is most important. This is a lesson that has been surfacing in several different ways recently, so it was no surprise that the topic came up in my session. When we want something in our life to change, we need to understand the differences between where we are now and the version of us that has already experienced the change. Sometimes it is a small difference and other times it feels massive, but the difference is the gap we must bridge to become. To become, we must be. It consists of doing the things and thinking the thoughts of that version of us. And because we haven’t experienced the change yet, it will feel weird, but bit by bit we become the new version in our being. So if you are struggling to make a change in your life, this is a great reminder to get in touch with the thoughts and actions of that post-change version of you, then see if you’re doing those things now.
How about all of that?! There was so much information that came up for both of us in these two sessions. I know it will all sink in when it is supposed to, but so far it’s been pretty good. I hope my brief description of these takeaways is helpful for you and your journey. Which one do you find most helpful? If you’d like to do more exploring for yourself, let me know, I’d love to help you. And if you’re interested in learning more about QHHT, you can go here.